ADA Engineering
Specialising in Rolling Stock Engineering
Managing Risk || Solving Problems || Telling Stories
ADA Engineering
Specialising in Rolling Stock Engineering
Managing Risk || Solving Problems || Telling Stories
Specialising in Rolling Stock Engineering
Managing Risk || Solving Problems || Telling Stories
Specialising in Rolling Stock Engineering
Managing Risk || Solving Problems || Telling Stories
At ADA Engineering, we specialise in Rolling Stock Engineering. Our team are specialised rolling stock engineers with in depth experience in the Freight, Light Rail and Metro Rail fields. Our experience is enhanced by our approach each project we undertake and each problem we are required to solve.
At ADA Engineering, we approach every problem with the system:
Manage Risks || Develop Solutions || Tell Stories
At the start of solving any problem is understanding and managing the risks that problem presents. Understanding these risks allows long term and sustainable solutions to be developed that will reduce the chance of surprises. Each client has a unique risk profile as well as risk tolerance which must be accounted for.
For this reason every task we undertake begins by understanding that tasks risks
Any problem needs a solution. Any Project is looking to implement a solution to a problem. With the problem and the risks understood, we turn our mind to developing solutions. These solutions are developed in a bespoke way to consider the unique problem and project requirements.
When developing solutions we account for our client's risk tolerance, the risk profile of the problem, the cost and time horizon of the solution, as well regulatory requirements.
Critical to the success of any project is clear communication and stakeholder buy in. We believe the best way to achieve this is through storytelling. It is stories that get us to connect with problems, engage with solutions, and feel invested in the project's success. It's through telling stories that we learn and understand our world.
This is why, for every problem, every solution, every project, we make sure we tell the story!
Our team has worked across Australia, New Zealand, and Asia in developing and implementing Rolling Stock Projects. Below are just a few of our key services we offer to our clients.
The rolling stock certification standard, AS7501, requires an Independent Competent Person to certify any new or modified vehicle.
At Ada Engineering, we bring a pragmatic risk based approach to our ICP services, helping our clients overcome the hurdles to certifying rolling stock.
A successful procurement, or engineering change project starts with a high quality specification. A high quality, usable and traceable specification is critical in managing the risk of any engineering project.
Our process for developing specification starts with the desired project outcomes, and includes identifying relevant standards , identifying and managing risk, and ensuring usability for suppliers and users..
We can then manage the developed specification through the procurement process. This includes design reviews, systems engineering, and testing & Commissioning.
When a change is made, no matter how small or large, the testing and commissioning of that change is critical to the ongoing safe and reliable operation of your Asset.
At Ada Engineering, we have years of experience in developing test plans and procedures, conducting tests, and satisfying regulators that the commissioning has been completed to a satisfactory standard.
Our testing and commissioning capabilities cover form component level, to system level and vehicle level
Ranging from implementing new systems, to identifying required repairs, and whole of vehicle changes such as moving between networks, all engineering change begins with identifying and defining the problem that needs to be solved.
For any engineering change, we begin by defining the problem, identifying and managing risks, and developing a detailed implementation plan. Our methods and processes are scalable to the size of and risks associated with the engineering change.
We can also assist with submitting and seeing the change through the various regulators and infrastructure managers, as well as internal stakeholders
Getting to the bottom of a failure , whether it be a technical failure or a failure in process, is crucial to ensuring it doesn't happen again.
Our failure investigations have spanned derailments, structural failures, and mechanical system failures, as well as process failures and project lessons learnt. Our root cause analysis investigations result in pragmatic recommendations, developed to solve the problems, while minimising risk and cost.
We relish the opportunity to solve any problem! From developing custom simulations and models, to conducting in service monitoring of vehicle systems, we would love to hear the problems you need solving.
By beginning with the end in mind, and always keeping in site the requirements and restraints of our clients, the opportunity to develop a unique an innovative project scope, and delivering on that scope, is what keeps motivated!
838 Collins Street, Docklands Victoria 3008, Australia
Jason Guettler: 0438 655 533 jason.guettler@adaengineering.com.au ada@adaengineering.com.au
ADA Engineering
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